Life as it is…


Life as it is…

Ladies and gentlemen, this post is for those who find difficulty in realising certain facts about life.” It was never meant to be easy. People all around you are there to either kill you or to defeat you or to be with you till their objectives are fulfilled. I won’t be exaggerating things but yes it is true that people are fake and they are fake to such an extent that even if you die they won’t accept their true feelings for you. ”
This isn’t what I feel. It was a short speech that my trainer delivered after listening to my story. My love story. I wish he added just one more line. The line being : ” however, there are a few who would love you truly and could die for you.”
Different phases of life teaches us different things. Infancy teaches us to trust, to feel and to have affection. Early preschool years teaches us to make friends, to listen, to follow, to understand and to be competitive. Those kindergarten classes teaches us to be energetic. As time passes by we reach a juncture when we have to leave old friends and make new ones and that is when you are in the college. We miss only a few. Why? Oh well because the rest of them were worthless anyway. You know how hard it is to sometimes understand people around us. By the time we are 18 we know almost all the attributes associated with human beings. At this age we learn to argue, to keep our point, to fight it out, to take side, to fall in love and get over it.
As we grow old we realise that masks were true and they were transparent however we could not see through it because of the illusions associated with it.
Friends there would be failures and there would be sweet moments when you would tell to yourself “achievement unlocked” but in between them there will always be those who would deceive you or help you.
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